With Knowledge Comes Confidence- The DaTQUANT™ Software application enables visual evaluation and quantification of ¹²³I-ioflupane (DaTSCAN™) images and may assist in your evaluation of patients with a suspected Parkinsonian Syndrome.

Support confidence in scan interpreation¹

With structured, visual and quantitative results to detect loss of functional dopaminergic neuron terminals in the straitum, which is associated with Parkinson's disease

Automated processing²

Drives consistent, objective and accurate results

Comprehensive reporting

Enhance communication with referring physicians through customised PDF reports

Longitudinal analysis

Compare multiple scans for visual and quantitative analysis of patient at 2 separate time points
Data-driven Assessment

What is DaTQUANT™ 2.0 software?

DaTQUANT 2.0™software enables visual evaluation and quantitation of DaT SPECT images (e.g., DaTSCAN) relative to a normal age-matched population database of images from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) study.
May add confidence to diagnosis

How does DaTQUANT 2.0 work?

DaTQUANT 2.0 software may aid in the assessment of dopamine receptor uptake in the caudate and putamen regions of the brain.It automatically calculates striatal binding ratios (SBR), putamen/caudate ratios and asymmetry.
DaTQUANT™ Reporting

With just a few simple clicks

  • • A comprehensive PDF report can be automatically generated which combines both image and quantification results, to be shared with referring physicians
  • • Application screens can be saved as DICOM® files or PDFs and uploaded to a PACS/EMR *
Why Quantify?

Enables visual evaluation and quantification of ¹²³I-ioflupane (DaTSCAN™)

  • • DaTQUANT application enables visual evaluation of DaTSPECT dopaminergic imaging and quantification relative to a normal population database.
  • • Quantitative analysis provides more objective assessment of any dopaminergic loss and could add confidence for diagnosis¹
Robust normal database

DaTQUANT 2.0 software uses a normal database based on the Parkinson's Progressive Marker Initiative (PPMI), a comprehensive study of patients with Parkinson's Disease³

  • • Normal database has been validated for use with images acquired on a variety of multi-headed SPECT cameras
  • • Users have the ability to create a customized Normal Database that enables comparison to a site-specific normal population of images


DaTQUANT 2.0 for PC is a software-only, stand-alone Windows-based application that is compatible to PC workstations running Windows 7 or 10, and has the following minimum requirements:
*Resolution 1280 x 768
*1 GB RAM (4GB or more, is recommended)
*1 GHZ CPU speed
*2048 MB disk space
*Site IT group to assist with installation and DICOM connectivity set-up
*Static IP address is recommended 

Datquant is CE marked medical device, CE 0459

DaTQUANT 2.0 is not validated or supported for installation in a virtual environment (i.e. virtual machine).
Installation shouldn’t require more than one person and total time includes:
*One hour to download, install and register the software on day one
*One hour to activate the license and complete DICOM configuration on day two

Administrator user rights on the local host machine are required for installation and activation of DaTQUANT 2.0, but not for routine software use.

Installation, making DICOM connections to image repositories and training users on the use of DaTQUANT 2.0 is the responsibility of the customer using the manuals and materials provided. However, GE support is available should you run into installation problems and offers training on the software.
After installation to the local host machine, DaTQUANT 2.0 runs as a stand-alone application. It does not require the use of an active internet/network connection for routine use. Server-based or “floating” licenses are not available. There is no active connection required between GE HealthCare servers and DaTQUANT 2.0.

The only time an active internet/network connection is required is for the initial software download.
To facilitate the import of DaT images into DaTQUANT 2.0, a DICOM connection can be configured between DaTQUANT 2.0 and other DICOM nodes (e.g. PACS, cameras and workstations). Configuration of the respective DICOM nodes and network connections between them are the responsibility of the customer using the provided informational materials.
Datquant is CE marked medical device, CE 0459
*DaTQUANT 2.0 complies with 21 CFR 820 and the DICOM 3.0 standard
*DaTQUANT 2.0  is not available on non-Windows operating systems (e.g. Linux or Mac) or on mobile devices
*All confidential information (i.e. DaT images, patient information) is stored on the local host machine’s hard drive in unencrypted format and is accessible to any and all users of that machine
*Removal/deinstallation of DaTQUANT 2.0 does not delete the patient database from the local host machine’s hard drive
*As installed software, any protection from intrusions is provided by the imaging facility’s local network security protocols. DaTQUANT 2.0 does not require any exceptions to these for routine use.
*DaTQUANT 2.0 will work with the anti-viral/malware defense systems implemented on the local host and imaging facility’s system.GE HealthCare does not provide or require any specific anti-viral/malware defense system and DaTQUANT 2.0 is designed to be compatible with all such systems.
*Access to use DaTQUANT 2.0and visibility of the entire patient database is granted equally to any authorized user of the local host machine without requiring a separate login for DaTQUANT 2.0.There is no option to enable a separate login for DaTQUANT 2.0 or any user-specific settings or access rights.
*Images and patient data will remain in the DaTQUANT 2.0 database indefinitely until deleted by a user.
Datquant is CE marked medical device, CE 0459

1. Booji J et al. J Nuc Med 2017; 58(11): 1821-6
2. DaTQUANT Quantitative Software Data Sheet. GE Healthcare 2020, 1-4
3. Parkinson’s Progression Marker Initiative. PPMI-info.org. Accessed July 2022

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GE HealthCare on oikeudellinen ja eettinen velvollisuus suojella kansanterveyttä varmistamalla tuotteidemme turvallisuus ja tehokkuus. Tätä varten keräämme ilmoituksia epäillyistä sivuvaikutuksista, joita potilailla esiintyy tuotteillemme altistumisen aikana tai sen jälkeen. Keräämme myös tietoja erityistilanteista (kuten käytöstä raskauden aikana, yliannostuksista jne.), sekä valituksista ja muista kommenteista. Ilmoittaaksesi epäillystä haittatapahtumasta, erityistilanteesta, valituksesta tai jättääksesi kommentteja - ota yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme gehealthcare.com. Puh: 0800 919 427
